Learning at Work Week 2024
Digital skills and leadership take tops spots as companies adapt to changing world of work

As Learning at Work Week 2024 kicks off with events celebrating this year’s theme, ‘learning power’, companies and organisations have shared their perspectives, highlighting the importance of supporting continual learning at work.  Campaign for Learning has also shared the results of its Learning at Work Week survey. It reveals how learning and development is helping businesses and colleagues adapt to the changing world of work. 

Many companies and organisations are focusing on career pathways and development and using Learning at Work Week to connect colleagues to the range of ways they can develop at work.  

Rob Peacock, Head of Talent Development, Leadership and Performance at The Very Group, said:  

“At Very, we’re proud of how we empower our people to learn, grow, and develop their career in a way that’s right for them.   

“Learning at Work Week provides us with an opportunity to showcase all the different ways to grow your knowledge, skills, and experience.  Working around the theme of ‘learning power’ we’re empowering our colleagues to be in the driving seat of the career and to learn and develop in the flow of work.” 

Businesses are also using Learning at Work Week to motivate colleagues and highlight the importance of making time for lifelong learning at work, to address continual change. 

Rebekah Tapping, Director of People at Silver Cross, said: 

"At Silver Cross we strive to help our employees understand that in this fast-changing working they need to constantly develop and grow.  

“Learning at Work Week has helped our employees get excited about lifelong learning and to appreciate the breadth of learning opportunities available to them. Importantly taking part in the week has helped our employees place more importance on taking time to include learning in their working week." 

Ian Jeffery, CEO of the Law Society of England and Wales, said:  

“We’re excited about Learning at Work Week. The Law Society employees are taking charge of their own development, actively engaging and sharing knowledge with colleagues. This programme encourages creativity, proactivity, and growth. It’s a chance for everyone to celebrate learning together and nurture a culture of continuous growth.” 

Global specialty materials company, Eastman, is holding a series of workshops on topics including sustainability, soft skills, neurodiversity and growth mindsets. 

Michael Temby, Learning and Development Business Partner at Eastman said: 

During Learning at Work week, we want to ensure that everybody is motivated by the prospect of learning new skills that will aide them in work and beyond.  We will be holding a series of engagement workshops throughout the week with our theme of ‘ignite your potential’.   

Our Learning at Work week has something to offer to everyone at our Newport site.  Some of the learning opportunities being offered have been based around safety that is always our main priority as well as enhancing skills for our people leaders and those aspiring to be future leaders.” 

A key element of many Learning at Work Week events is colleagues sharing of skills and expertise with their co-workers. 

Peter Clark-Lewis, Head of Learning & Development at Knight Frank said: 

“The Week of Learning is a fantastic opportunity to remind the business that learning is in their hands. We have so many experts in our business, providing a specific time and way of sharing their knowledge really kick starts our ambition of creating and embedding a culture of learning throughout the firm. We have had a great response both from those wanting to share their expertise and from those wanting to learn from others. It’s not just about work too – learning extends beyond the office and we have put on sessions on mindfulness, plant care and even our very own escape room to keep things fun” 

CPD Together, a group of over 20 professional bodies and unions from the health and social care sector, are highlighting their resources available for colleagues to support their continual professional development.  

CPD Together said: 

“Learning at Work Week is a great opportunity to reflect on organisational and individual learning needs. Continuing professional development and lifelong learning empowers health and social care staff to deliver high quality services.  Access to learning opportunities boosts employee happiness and engagement, benefiting employers through improved retention and staff satisfaction.  That's why we've developed our joint principles of CPD and resources for all employers and individuals working in health and social care.” 

Campaign for Learning has also released the results of its Learning at Work Week survey with large and medium-sized businesses across key sectors in UK, which reveals how crucial learning at work is to a range of business and employee needs.  

Two-thirds of companies in the last year have adapted their learning and development to address skills gaps. 

Where businesses are looking to upskill their staff, unsurprisingly digital skills is one of the top areas for development (56%), with nearly a third of businesses already bringing in training to address the introduction of artificial intelligence (AI). Leadership development is also a key focus for training (63%). 

The survey of large and medium-sized businesses across key sectors in the UK was created by Campaign for Learning to mark Learning at Work Week and highlights the importance of employers investing in upskilling and reskilling to futureproof their workplaces. 

The survey also reveals that almost half of employers (48%) need employees to boost their essential skills for the workplace, including critical and creative thinking. This is a key skill for any employee and highlights a growing need for schools and employers alike to step up their support in developing these skills alongside qualifications. 

Data shows 65% of businesses hope to address skills gaps by introducing specific training at work and almost all employers (94%) believe access to learning and development opportunities in the workplace improves an employee’s chances of getting promoted. This highlights how learning at work can be beneficial for both employees and employers. 

The wider benefits of learning was also highlighted, with 72% of respondents in the last year introducing or adapting their learning and development offer to support health and wellbeing.

Julia Wright, National Director at Campaign for Learning, which runs Learning at Work Week, said:  

"Lifelong learning at work makes business sense. As more jobs and businesses are shaped by technology, we’ll all need to adapt to new ways of working and develop skills to move into new roles and make the most of new opportunities. Currently an estimated 21.7 million working age adults can’t complete all the digital tasks required for today’s workplace. 

“That’s why it’s great that employers are using Learning at Work Week to shine a spotlight on learning. Colleagues will have opportunities to come together to learn beyond their day-to-day roles and find out about opportunities for skills development, coaching and mentoring, and career moves as well as learning for wider life and wellbeing."