Polygon Group

Highly Commended - getAbstract Inspiring a Lifelong Learning Culture


The Polygon Learning & Development team collaborated with external partners to deliver content across the week. The week was promoted using Polygon’s internal communications platform, My Polygon, with continuous messaging prior to the Learning at Work Week. The booking process was an easy self-service approach, enabling people to make choices that would link to their individual personal development/career paths.  

In the run-up to Learning at Work Week, delegate bookings were reviewed and where trends were identified, targeted communications were sent. Line managers promoted the sessions in team meetings and the senior management team promoted, supported and attended some of the sessions.  

Colleagues were offered the opportunity to join any of the 30-minute virtual sessions, which were interesting, relevant and current. They allowed people to connect to skills-based development, helping them learn new approaches and develop confidence through practical participation while building on existing skill sets.  

The sessions were designed and scheduled to also meet the diverse needs of the remote workforce to ensure that as many people as possible could attend at a busy time for the business. The topics offered across the week included:   

  • Time Management, Organisation & Planning 
  • Mentoring Skills 
  • Customer Service – Providing Proactive Client Care 
  • Developing Resilience 
  • Communication & Feedback 
  • Motivation, Delegation & Empowerment 
  • Working through Change and Managing Stress 
  • Personal Impact & Accountability 
  • Effective Collaboration and Cross Team Working 
  • Conflict & Challenging Situations – Customer Focused 


There was a great response and colleagues that took part provided positive feedback that demonstrated the value of having professional skills development opportunities and how these will benefit them in their roles and careers. For people that were unable to attend, each session was recorded and added to the internal learning platform for them to access at any time. 

Following the week, all colleagues were also invited to attend the full session versions, so they can continue their learning journey. 

Going forward, the team will continue to innovate and create more opportunities where people can learn and develop around the day job, by showing people that their development is important to the business and offering a variety of learning opportunities.